Case Stydy Identity November 1, 2024

On Campus Social Enterprise

On Campus Social Enterprise is a newly established initiative with a mission to develop a compelling brand identity. Their goal was to create a brand that resonates with international students, who have the greatest need for donated goods, while also appealing to the broader campus community to encourage donations. While this is designed with international students in mind, the service is accessible to all students. The brand development process included creating the name Bobcat Thrift, designing a dynamic color scheme, and ensuring everything aligned with Ohio University’s branding guidelines.


Help create branding and logo design.

  • Strategy

    Research, Brand Strategy

  • Design

    Logo, Promotional Content

  • Client

    On Campus Social Enterprise

⬤ 01. Challenges

Branding Challenges

The biggest challenge with this project was designing within the Ohio University guidelines while also taking a creative spin to make it stand out from everything else that is also a part of the University.  This was a challenge because I did not know how far I could go with everything because I looked through the design from the university and it is all laid out the same way so that is all I did at first but then I found out we could be more creative. 

The deliverables and goals for the project were to create branding from the ground up starting with a name being Bobcat Thrift then developing a logo that fits the name. Then incorporating this name and logo into both flyers to have around campus but then also creating a possible style for what the social media might look like.

⬤ 02. Experience

Branding within the University guidelines

I looked through all the Ohio University branding and looked into more of the secondary color options that are still a part of the university so I could make this brand unique. 

This was something that I have never faced before because both me and the client were trying to push the boundaries while staying within the University guidelines that already exist.  

Color palette

/ Foundations

SCSS var

R 170
G 138
B 0


SCSS var
Under the Elms

R 2
G 66
B 48

Under the Elms

SCSS var
Trillium White

R 249
G 247
B 237

Trillium White

SCSS var

R 0
G 0
B 0



/ Scales

Termina Black


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AaBbCcDdEeFfGgHhIiJjKkLlMmNnOoPpQqRrSsTtUuVvWwXxYyZz 0123456789

Proxima Nova Bold


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P22 Mackinac Pro Book


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⬤ 03. Process

Fulfilling the mission for Bobcat Thrift

After this semester of work we developed a logo, color pallets, font choices, word mark, flyers, some social media posts and what the social media presence could look like. One part of this process that I really enjoyed was looking into how other Universities and thrift stores promote their business on social media. With that research I threw together something that could be their framework for social media.



Mark Franz
Project Manager

Nathaniel Berger
Account Manager

Art Direction

Nick Kaiser
Graphic Design


Nick Kaiser
Graphic Design

Dylan Reed
Graphic Design

Propose a project through our parent organization, the Lights Regional Innovation Network.

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