Case Stydy Identity November 1, 2024

Dream Bridge Collaborative

Dream Bridge Collaborative is an organization dedicated to helping survivors of domestic violence. They provide a safe environment for healing with services such as transitional housing and mental health counseling. They work with local services to ensure a long lasting and effective care that changes lives for the better.


Design and build a website.

  • Strategy

    Branding Workshops

  • Design

    Web Design, Logo Design

  • Client

    Dream Bridge Collaborative

⬤ 01. Challenges

Branding Challenges

The largest challenge I faced with this project was finding the balance between a highly accessible design with a good looking one. We needed a website that had a very calming feel to it that made you feel safe and inviting. However, it also had to have a more traditional layout and easy to read typography so that we could ensure anyone could use it with ease.


⬤ 02. Experience


Due to the nature of this organization, we had to keep the main location a secret. However, we also needed to showcase the general feeling of the area. We needed pictures, but decided not to use any from the on-site location for maximum secrecy.

We decided to use stock photos that appear as if they could have been taken in the same region. Similar trees and flowers and an overall landscapes. This way we could create a similar setting without putting the survivors at risk.

Color palette

/ Foundations


/ Scales

⬤ 03. Process

Fulfilling the mission for Dream Bridge Collaborative

At the end of the semester long project, we finalized a website that is both visually appealing and user friendly. We also reconstructed a higher resolution logo with better colors. The thing I enjoyed most was creating something that will help change lives for a cause that I greatly care about.



Mark Franz
Project Manager

Nathaniel Berger
Account Manager

Art Direction

Caroline Murphy
Creative Director


Alex Viancourt
Graphic Design

Caroline Murphy
Graphic Design

Propose a project through our parent organization, the Lights Regional Innovation Network.

Ready to work together?

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