Heartbeet Homestead

Heartbeet Homestead is a woman-owned small family farm based in Meigs County, Ohio, specializing in natural fertilizers, soil amendments, and growing supplies aimed at promoting healthier crops. They also offer a range of organic, farm-produced goods. The goal of the project was to design a user-friendly website to help customers easily browse and purchase products online. The website is built on the Squarespace platform, as per the client’s request, and is currently in its trial phase.


Web Design

  • Strategy

    Iteration and design

  • Design

    UI Design

  • Client

    Heartbeet Homstead

⬤ 01. Challenges


One of the main challenges was creating the website while retaining the client’s existing URL and using Squarespace, which presented some limitations in customization. Additionally, the client did not have high-quality photos of their products, so I had to source copyright-free images and videos to enhance the visual appeal. The client wasn’t entirely sure what they needed from the website beyond wanting it to function smoothly.

Through weekly sessions, I helped them clarify their goals and design a website focused on ease of use and marketing their products effectively. Furthermore, I had to learn how to build a website using Squarespace from scratch in a very limited time, which was both challenging and rewarding.

⬤ 02. Experience

Design and Iteration

This project provided an excellent opportunity to develop my communication skills, as I worked closely with the client to ensure their vision was reflected in the design. It also allowed me to strengthen my user-centered design approach and quickly learn the Squarespace platform. 

I gained valuable experience in understanding how website design can directly impact product sales and customer engagement.

Color palette

/ Foundations

SCSS var

R 0
G 146
B 69

Golden Beige

SCSS var

R 0
G 0
B 0



/ Scales

Roboto Bold


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Roboto Regular


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Roboto Regular


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. In tempor velit non lobortis condimentum. In lectus eros, pretium vel elit efficitur, rutrum consequat sapien. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. In semper sapien eget malesuada maximus.

⬤ 03. Process

Research and Design

The project began with an in-depth analysis of Heartbeat Homestead’s website needs and goals. After creating wireframes, mood boards, and presenting various design styles, I worked closely with the client to refine the website based on their feedback. The focus was on ensuring the site was responsive, easy to navigate, and aligned with the client’s goals of selling their products more effectively.



Mark Franz
Project Manager

Nathaniel Berger
Account Manager

Art Direction

Mark Franz
Creative Director

Najmeh Pirahmadian
Art Director
Brand Strategy


Najmeh Pirahmadian
Web Design

Najmeh Pirahmadian
Graphic Design

Propose a project through our parent organization, the Lights Regional Innovation Network.

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